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Developed in collaboration with Scottish Ensemble, these bones, this flesh, this skin is a digital work for solo violin and solo dancer by composer Martin Suckling, choreographer Joan Clevillé and cinematographer Genevieve Reeves. Through an online platform, the audience is invited to combine different musical and visual layers to decide how they want to experience the work in multiple iterations.

Born out of a unique period in our lives, the piece explores how heightened attention can reveal different experiences of time in our bodies and the environment around us. This layering of simplicity and complexity also manifests in the way that the viewer/listener is invited to make decisions. With every new iteration, we discover new perspectives, new nuances waiting for us in the spaces in between music, cinematography and dance, between the traces of our own memories and the aliveness of our attention.

Winner of the Innovation Award at Classical:NEXT Awards (2021) 
Winner of the Award for Installation/Sound Art/Electroacoustic New Work the Scottish Awards for New Music (2021) 

Click HERE to experience the work.

This is a provocative creative response to the limitations of COVID: it's a work that harnesses the opportunities of digital and can only exist in that medium

– Classical:NEXT Awards 2021

artistically extremely high quality, with great music, choreography and filming. The element of control that the audience had was very welcome, and the whole piece became genuinely addictive!

– Scottish Awards for New Music 2021

Creative team 
Music composed by Martin Suckling
Played by Jonathan Morton
ChoreographyJoan Clevilléin collaboration with João Castro
Cinematography Genevieve Reeves
Performance João Castro
Costume adviceMatthias Strahm