Valencia 1974. Multidisciplinary artist, educator, paella lover and leadership team builder through humor and non-violent communication, currently living in Barcelona.
Graduate in Fine Arts from the Universitat Politècnica de València, specialized in Sculpture. She also studied a Master's degree in Scenography, Theatrical and Television Scenography at the European Institute of Design in Barcelona, directed by Isidre Prunés, as well as numerous workshops such as the Scenography Workshop directed by Anna Viebrock at the CDN in Madrid.
Trained in plastic, scenic and personal growth disciplines, she has been designing, sewing, making people laugh and accompanying them in personal processes for more than 30 years. Her portfolio contains more than 60 projects as scenographer and costume designer in dance, circus, opera, theater and cinema.
She currently combines working as a coach and designer and working as a hospital clown for the NGO Pallapupas in Barcelona.
Her leisure time is an appointment with competitive sport, where she gets the energy she needs, spending the calories she has left over, and sharing this important time with her family and friends.