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Produced by Isosceles

On Our Way To Lisbon

Running time
65 minutes (no interval)

About On Our Way To Lisbon

This play tells the story of how in 1967, Glasgow Celtic became the first British team to win the European Cup by beating the mighty Inter Milan.

This amazing feat has been turned into this spectacular two-man play by Patrick Prior.

Two fans recreate the epic campaign that saw Jock Stein’s young team sweep aside the best that Europe had to offer .

The two actors, Pat Abernethy and Dave Marsden, play everything - players, crowds, commentators, managers, in a masterpiece of story-telling, including some hilarious slow-motion sequences.

This spectacular and iconic show has thrilled audiences in Scotland, Ireland, England and Las Vegas for the last 20 years, getting rave reviews, awards and standing ovations.

Theatre at its very best... High octane stuff, marvellously executed.

– Mail On Sunday

‘Brilliant…superbly written and impeccably performed’

– Sunday Business Post

Great energy, humour and bonhomie… enjoy the memories!

– The Scotsman