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Help a pal get a ticket!

Awright, folks! We’ve got a belter o' an idea that'll bring joy tae many! Ye ken how much fun it is tae see a braw show at the theatre, richt? Weel, now ye can gie that magic tae somebody who needs it! We’re launchin’ a grand Christmas appeal tae help send folks tae see Oor Wullie: The Musical.  Wi’ a wee donation, ye’ll be coverin’ the cost o’ a ticket for someone who cannae afford it. Imagine the joy on their faces as they watch Wullie an’ his pals get up tae all sorts o’ mischief on stage!

Every donation, big or small, maks a massive difference. Ye’ll be bringin’ a bit o’ sunshine intae their lives, giein’ them a chance tae laugh, dream, an’ be inspired. So whit dae ye say, pals? Let’s get the hale toon involved! Donate a ticket, an’ spread the word. Taegether, we can make this the happiest, funniest, most heart-warmin’ night oot for everyone!

To donate click below or contact our box office on 01382 223530 \\

Thank ye kindly, from the bottom o’ our buckets.