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Scottish Dance Theatre presents

Travelling Ideas: Industry Discussion Event


About Travelling Ideas: Industry Discussion Event

In this industry discussion event, Scottish Dance Theatre will share the findings from its recent research into the exploitation of existing Intellectual Property (IP) of UK companies in China.  

With the support of the British Council’s Connection Through Culture programme, the company has commissioned producer Joanna Dong (Performance Infinity, UK-China) to research and write a report analysing the context, opportunities and challenges for British companies to re-stage their work in China in collaboration with local artists and venues. The report has been complemented by a two-week visit of Artistic Director Joan Clevillé to China to meet local promoters and conduct research on the ground. 

In this discussion event, Joanna Dong and Joan Clevillé will disseminate their key findings with further insights from Dom Hastings, Director of Arts and Interim Deputy Director of British Council China. 

The session is aimed at UK-based artists, producers, funders and organisations working in the performing arts sector, with an interest in the Chinese market and exploring more sustainable and innovative models for international distribution and artistic collaboration. There will be opportunities for asking questions and discussion with the panel as part of the session. 

Joan Clevillé, Artistic Director for Scottish Dance Theatre said: 

“Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the legal framework regulating IP exploitation both in China and the UK, we want to assess the demand for more environmentally sustainable content and start to build connections with potential partners that could lead to collaborative relationships in the future.”

“We have only just begun our research, but it is already clear that resilience and adaptability are key. We are interested in cultivating mutually beneficial relationships and innovative collaboration models that enable artistic exchange despite environmental or geo-political challenges.”