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Meytal Blanaru: Dark Horse

Running time
30 mins

Contains nudity (upper body nude)  

About Meytal Blanaru: Dark Horse

With the beauty industry that perpetually creates an ideal body image that's beyond our reach, we all end up feeling unworthy very quickly. Dark Horse is a reflection into the way we look at other bodies, and the way that we're able to look at ourselves.

"2 years ago I found that I might need to go through a double mastectomy in the future. 

For different reasons, breast reconstruction doesn't feel like an option for me, so if I'll get there, I'll probably go flat. The mere prospect of losing my breasts raised many questions for me related to my definition of my own femininity. 

Through my own story I've connected with a growing community of women that choose to go flat, that stand proud of their new body and embrace it. Often times, I've even had the impression they seem radically more free than ever before in their body. 

I've set out to create Dark Horse as my own journey to embracing the body I have today. No matter what. I used to always dislike one part of my body or another. I used to wish I'd look different. But today I feel that if I get to keep all of my body parts through this lifetime, I'll commit to embracing them regardless of how they look. We didn’t come into this life to hate the vessel we were born in, the vessel that we move through this world with. Life’s just too short for that.”

 - Meytal Blanaru

mysterious and fascinating. Blanaru's skin-deep fragility, her restless strength, her vital energy are overwhelming


Creative team 

Creation & performance Meytal Blanaru
Music Benjamin Sauzerau 
Dramaturgy Ido Batash & Olivier Hespel 
Light design Francois Bodeux 
Production Fathom High Asbl  
Coproduction Theatre Les Brigittines, Charleroi Danse, Pole Sud CDCN, Compagnie Thor
International Communications & Development Katherina Vasiliadis